VOTE YES for Peoria Students

Invest in our schools to ensure a brighter future WITHOUT RAISING TAX RATES

Why, What, When?

Why vote on a Bond Now?

The last Bond passed in 2012 in Peoria Unified. It’s time to invest in our schools again without increasing our tax rates.

What does the bond address/fund?

    • District-wide safety and security needs

    • Technology upgrades

    • Transportation upgrades

    • Much needed School repairs

    • New elementary school construction

When will it be on the ballot?

    • November 5, 2024.

Why we support the bond

As involved members of the Peoria Unified community, we understand firsthand the challenges that our schools face every day. Schools are foundational to any community, and quality education helps form responsible citizens. That's why we support the Peoria Unified School District Bond. The Bond is essential to the success of our schools and accomplishes much-needed work without a tax rate increase.


  • Ray Malnar, Glendale Councilmember

    "One of the challenges facing school districts today is the maintenance and improvement of its facilities infrastructure, upgrades and repairs. The increasing costs to construct new buildings has made it even more important to invest in existing school campuses. This bond authorization invests over eighty-two percent of its proceeds for critical building and infrastructure improvements across the district including safety and security enhancements, technology upgrades and transportation improvements. The remaining eighteen percent is for the construction of a much-needed elementary school in the northern part of the district to meet the growing demand in that area. There are 10 elementary schools, and 3 high schools located in Glendale that will benefit from this bond along with 20 elementary schools and 6 high schools in other city jurisdictions.

    Quality schools are crucial for attracting jobs and economic opportunities to our city. Businesses seek communities with safe, well-maintained schools, small class sizes, and robust programs. By voting YES, you support the district's efforts to cultivate a competitive workforce, ensuring our community's continued prosperity."

  • Rhonda Carlson, President & CEO of Peoria Chamber of Commerce

    “The strength of a community is often dictated by the strength of its local school district. When public education is given the necessary resources to best support its student population, city statistics like median property values and public safety are also thriving. This is why it is imperative for Peoria residents to vote YES on the upcoming PUSD bond this November to ensure our community continues its forward progress.

    Key to the PUSD bond this election is that it provides vital resources for our district WITHOUT a tax rate increase to our residents.

    The West Valley remains the fastest growing region in the country. Our public education system must meet the needs of a growing residential population by strategically engaging in initiatives that enhance our workforce to best attract economic development opportunities. This starts with our schools. If we fail to continue to build upon our solid reputation of safe and well-maintained schools, small class sizes, and quality educational programs, residents and potential businesses will go elsewhere.

    Let’s keep Peoria moving forward and position our city as the BEST in the region by voting YES this November!”

  • Jon Edwards, Vice Mayor, City of Peoria

    “As a 22-year Peoria resident, a father of three grown children who all attended Peoria's public schools, and a member of the City Council, I recognize the importance of supporting our schools to achieve a robust community. That's why I personally endorse the Peoria Unified School District Bond.

    By investing in our schools, we, as a community, show our commitment to education and bolster our capacity to attract high-quality, sustainable employment opportunities. Peoria's success as a desirable place to live and a center for economic growth relies on the commitment to quality development and a legacy of outstanding schools.

    Through this bond, the Peoria Unified School District seeks to fund essential District-wide improvements without a tax rate increase. These enhancements include safety and security upgrades, technological advancements, transportation improvements, and the building of a new elementary school. Peoria schools are dedicated to providing all students with a secure, up-to-date learning environment and access to the best education available.

    As a dedicated member of the Peoria community, I will be voting YES on the PUSD Bond.”

  • Joe Schiavone, Peoria Education Foundation

    “Peoria is a wonderful place to live and a great community, and this is in large part thanks to our education system.

    Schools help to form the foundation of our community and prepare students to be responsible citizens and contributing members of society. This is why we recognize how important it is that we vote YES on the Peoria Unified bond this election.

    By investing in the schools in our community, we not only show a commitment to education, we also increase our ability to attract high-quality, sustainable jobs. Peoria's success as a great place to live and attract economic opportunities relies on our commitment to quality development and our history of excellent schools.

    Passing the bond will provide for several critical district-wide improvements without a tax rate increase. These improvements include safety and security upgrades for schools, technology updates, transportation upgrades, and the building of a new elementary school.

    Join us in keeping Peoria a great place to live and learn by voting YES on the Peoria Unified.”

  • Michael Finn, Peoria Councilmember

    “As a Peoria resident, and member of the City Council, I have seen firsthand the impact strong public schools have in supporting a vibrant, growing community. The Peoria Unified School District educates more than 35,000 students and I believe that each child deserves to learn in a safe and well-maintained school.

    While a yes vote on the Peoria Unified bond will support the quality of life that we have all come to know and expect, it is much more personal for me. All three of my children will attend Peoria Unified Schools and I can attest to the high-quality education, and expansive opportunities available to all students.

    In addition, the bond is not a tax rate increase. With a right-sized bond that will take care of priority and essential maintenance and repairs, construction of a new school, safety and security enhancements, technology and transportation, Peoria Unified continues to demonstrate sound stewardship of the community’s resources.

    I hope you will join me in voting yes on the Peoria Unified Bond to make a positive impact for our generation.”

  • Bobby Gonzalo, Peoria High School Alumnus

    “As a Peoria High School alumnus, I support the $120 million bond for the Peoria Unified School District. This bond is crucial for maintaining and improving the quality of education in our community without increasing taxes and every student will benefit from the resources.

    The bond will address critical safety concerns by funding upgraded fencing, improved security cameras, and enhanced front office safety measures. It will also support essential infrastructure improvements, including roofing, heating and cooling systems, and foundational repairs. 

    Furthermore, the bond will enable the district to build a new elementary school, alleviating overcrowding and potentially increasing property values. It will also provide funding for new technology, ensuring students have access to up-to-date computers and resources necessary for success in today's digital world. 

    As someone who benefited from the excellent education provided by PUSD, I understand the importance of investing in our schools. By voting YES on this bond, we're not just supporting current students; we're investing in the future of our community. We're ensuring that Peoria continues to offer high-quality education, preparing students for successful careers and contributing to a stable local economy.”

  • Linda Palles Thompson, Former Superintendent and Grandparent

    “As a former superintendent of the Peoria Unified School District and a proud grandmother to students in our community, I deeply understand how essential our local public schools are to the fabric of our community. Voting yes on the Peoria Unified Bond will uphold the tradition of excellence that our students and their families expect and deserve.

    The district is unified, not uniform and each of its 42 schools deserves to be maintained so that every child has access to a high-quality learning environment. Bond funds ensure that vital resources are available so that the district will be able to maintain and utilize its facilities for many years.

    The bond will address these needs, supporting programs that foster student growth, such as Arts Education and Career & Technical Education (CTE). These initiatives, along with a solid academic foundation, prepare our students for future success. 

    Additionally, our children deserve schools that are safe and as technology evolves, there is a growing need to secure and protect our buildings and our most valuable resource, our children. 

    Please join me in voting yes on the Peoria Unified School District bond to support our children’s future.”

  • Mary Alice Carrillo

    “The Carrillo family has been a part of the Peoria Unified School District (PUSD) community since 1965. Over the decades, we have seen five children graduate from Alta Loma Elementary School and Peoria High School. Today, most of our 25 grandchildren and great-grandchildren attend PUSD schools, with one daughter and a great-grandchild working for the district.

    As a family deeply rooted in the district, a YES vote on the PUSD bond is crucial for ensuring that all children receive the education they deserve. The bond will enhance student safety by funding new security cameras, upgraded fencing, and advanced front office precautions. It also promises technological advancements with new computers for students and radios for staff, improving both education and emergency preparedness.

    Additionally, the bond will address critical infrastructure needs, such as new heating and cooling systems, reinforced walls, and roof repairs, ensuring a safe and comfortable learning environment. The bond will also support the construction of a new elementary school, reducing classroom overcrowding and easing stress on students and teachers.

    By voting YES, we can provide a secure, well-equipped, and nurturing environment for all students, paving the way for their successful futures, all without increasing tax rates.”

  • Justin F Schlegel, Owner - RHP Real Estate

    “I am writing this statement in full support of the 2024 Bond Election as a Parent of three, Business Owner and Football Coach within the Peoria Unified School District community. 

    Born and raised on the West side, this is my home and a place I care deeply about. My business happens to be Real Estate so I see the tremendous growth in our region on a daily basis. Additional school facilities, technology & infrastructure, improvements and resources are all MUCH needed.

    I've personally been involved in several volunteer capacities within the PUSD over the years and have no doubt financial stewardship is top notch. This matter should be important to all of us. Great schools and education lead our youth into becoming great adults who infiltrate our workforce and improve our communities beyond our own years, also helping to keep property values from declining.

    Many do not understand how the Bond actually works and may assume their property taxes will rise significantly with the Bond passing, but that's just not the truth. I encourage you to become educated and think about the difference you can make by Voting Yes to Pass the Bond come November. All of our futures depend on it!”

  • Aaron Franklin, Business Owner and PUSD Alumni

    “As a business owner and alumni, I understand the importance of early education as a foundation for a successful career. With your YES vote on the Peoria Unified School District bond, you will help young students receive the education they need without tax rate increase, and it may even boost property values. 

    The bond will fund a safer school environment, including a new security system, cameras, and front office remodeling. It will improve fencing around campus grounds and provide new software and hardware to protect students and staff from online threats. As a business owner, I recognize potential community threats that could affect a child's education.

    Additionally, the bond will support new infrastructure, such as better heating, cooling, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as foundation repairs and roofing improvements. It will also allow for the construction of proper parking lots for staff, students, and parents.

    With your YES vote on the PUSD Bond, you will help create a safe, supportive environment for children to grow and learn, preparing them for the future. My education was crucial to my success as a business owner, and I believe it can do the same for others.”

  • Denton Santarelli, Former Superintendent, Peoria Unified School District

    “As former superintendents of Peoria Unified, we understand firsthand the challenges that our schools face every day. Schools are foundational to any community, and quality education helps form quality citizens. That's why we support the Peoria Unified School District Bond. The Bond is critical to the success of our schools and does much-needed work without a single cent of tax rate increases.

    A YES vote on this bond is in investment in our quality of life. People come to live in Peoria because we have great property values and very low crime rates. Our school system plays an important role in keeping it this way. Passing the bond would help to support our community's education needs and would do so without raising taxes at all. This is NOT a tax increase.

    Please vote YES to ensure that our schools are able to properly prepare students for a successful future as responsible citizens who positively contribute to our community and workforce.”

  • Dr. Stephanie Herrick Kays, Peoria Parent Council

    “I am a parent of a child at Peoria Traditional School and graduate from Peoria Unified School District, and I am supporting the bond measure. 

    We decided to raise our family in the same city that we grew up in because of the great schools that Peoria offers. The proposed bond will not raise tax rates and covers much-needed items for our school district, including an elementary school, which will help ease overcrowded elementary schools in the area. Historically, the district has had to return land to developers due to needing more funds to build much-needed schools in areas of high growth. 

    The bond also ensures our students have a safe and secure educational experience, allocates funds for much-needed repairs and updates to existing schools in the district, and gives students access to updated technology and safe transportation. PUSD has schools of varying ages, and many need upgrades to ensure meeting today's security standards and physical buildings require much-needed physical maintenance. Monies are allocated to ensure students have safe transportation to and from school.

     I urge you to vote YES for the PUSD bond to ensure vital needs are met.”

  • Sondra Norris, Parent

    “As a parent of a student & spouse of an educator, I am not ignorant to the impact that a positive & well supported public education has on an individual's future. To me, that support's a village of people who care for the child, a nurturing classroom environment with qualified educators who have the curriculum & fundamental supplies that their students need to excel both in the classroom & in life.That is why I am an active member of my school community & strongly support the Peoria Unified School District bond.

    By investing in our local schools, we not only show the future generation that we care about how our individual future looks in our retirement years, but theirs too, by supporting a strong educational base. With this bond, the district will be able to continue to attract & retain the best educational professionals our children deserve, ensure that our children have a safe place to travel in (new buses) & to (school buildings & supports in place for them), update to relevant technology & build a new elementary school for our growing community, all WITHOUT a tax rate increase! Please join me in voting YES to the PUSD bond & securing a better future for all of our children.”

  • Rebecca Proudfit, Peoria Unified School District Governing Board President

    “As the president of the Peoria Unified School District Board, I am relentlessly committed to ensuring our students receive the highest quality education in a safe and supportive environment. That's why I am asking for your YES vote on the upcoming bond.

    This bond is crucial for enhancing safety measures across our district as well as address the facility needs of our aging schools. It will fund advanced security systems, including cameras and building upgrades, making our schools safer for everyone. It will also provide necessary resources to ensure every student has access to modern technological devices, bridging the digital divide and empowering both students and staff with the tools they need for success.

    Additionally, this bond will modernize our transportation fleet, introducing new yellow buses and campus vehicles to ensure reliable transportation for all students, regardless of their location within the district.

    The bond funds facilitate infrastructure improvements. This includes repairing and upgrading heating and cooling systems, roofing, electrical, and plumbing. We will also strengthen building foundations, enhance fencing, and create new parking lots for staff and students.

    Most importantly, the proposed bond WILL NOT RAISE YOUR TAX RATE. A YES vote on the bond will bring vital improvements to the education system that impacts every part of our community and our shared future without any additional cost to you.”

  • Bart Turner, Glendale City Councilmember

    “As a Glendale Council member, I encourage residents to vote YES in support of the bond for Peoria Unified School District, which includes schools in Glendale.

    Schools are crucial for attracting jobs and economic opportunities to our city. Businesses seek communities with safe, well-maintained schools, small class sizes, and quality programs. Your YES vote will support the District’s efforts to develop a competitive workforce, ensuring our community’s long-term success.

    Voting YES is an investment in our quality of life. People choose to live here because of our excellent property values and low crime rates, both of which are supported by strong schools. Importantly, the bond supports our community’s educational needs without a tax rate increase. THIS IS NOT A TAX RATE INCREASE.

    Passing the bond will enable several critical district-wide improvements, including safety and security upgrades, technology updates, transportation enhancements, and the construction of a new elementary school. All students deserve a safe, modern learning environment, reliable transportation, and access to top-notch education. This bond will help make these essential resources available to our children.

    Please vote YES to ensure students are prepared for a successful future as responsible citizens who positively contribute to our society, our community, and the workforce.”

  • Eva Osuna, Lifelong Peoria Resident & Retired Teacher

    “As a longtime community member, I understand the importance of preparing our children for life through education. By voting YES on the bond for the Peoria Unified School District, we can ensure our community is well-equipped with the right tools. 

    This bond will fund technological advances for students lacking reliable devices for schoolwork and ensure safe transportation with a new fleet of buses and campus vehicles. It will also improve school infrastructure by fixing plumbing issues, heating and cooling systems, roofs, parking lots, electrical systems, and foundations. 

    Additionally, the bond will enhance security, providing funds for security systems and adequate fencing to keep students and faculty safe. No parent should worry about their child's safety at school. 

    Voting YES on the bond for the Peoria Unified School District means no tax rate increase, while creating a safer, better environment for our community's future and current students.”

  • Jennifer Crawford, Peoria City Councilmember

    “As a member of the City Council, I strive to create a robust community, and recognize the importance of supporting our schools to achieve this. A proud parent of two children who attended Peoria Public Schools, I personally support the Peoria Unified School District Bond.

    This bond is vital for the prosperity of our schools and implements necessary improvements without increasing tax rates.

    Our children deserve more than just a place to learn; they deserve a safe environment that inspires and equips them for success.

    Through the proposed bond, PUSD seeks to provide much-needed funding to address critical needs in our school system, including modernizing facilities, updating technology, expanding safety & security on our campuses, and building a new elementary school. These improvements will ensure that our schools are not just places where students go to learn, but vibrant centers of opportunity and growth. Through the bond approval, PUSD plans to fund essential district-wide improvements without a tax rate increase.

    Our educators work tirelessly to provide the best possible education for our students, but they need our support. I personally support this vital initiative and urge you to lend your support as well. A YES vote for the PUSD bond is a vote for our children, our educators, and the future of our community.”

  • David Sandoval, Peoria Unified Governing Board Clerk

    I am in my second term as a member of the Peoria Unified School District governing board, and I understand the critical role that education plays in ensuring that our youth have an equitable opportunity to successfully navigate their own path with confidence and agency. The bond will enhance safety across all schools by funding advanced security systems with cameras and essential building upgrades. Additionally, it will ensure that every student and staff member have access to the necessary tools to be successful. For example, providing both students and staff with the proper technology to enhance the teaching and learning environment and fund critically needed infrastructure repairs and upgrades. I can't think of a better return on an investment than investing in our youth and I am encouraging you to vote YES on the upcoming bond, which promises significant supports and resources without a tax rate increase. By voting YES, Peoria Unified can build a new elementary school to accommodate the growth in the northern sector of the district, and you will help us implement vital improvements across the entire district. Your investment will ensure an educational environment that is safe and inspiring for both current and future students.

  • Melissa Ewing, Peoria Unified Governing Board Member

    As a parent and member of the Peoria Unified School District Board, I understand the critical role education plays in our children's future success. Therefore, I am urging you to vote YES on the upcoming bond, which promises significant enhancements for our district with no tax rate increases.

    This bond will prioritize safety by funding a state-of-the-art security system, including cameras and essential building improvements across all district schools. Additionally, it will ensure every student has access to technological devices, addressing the needs of those who cannot afford them.

    Furthermore, the bond will revolutionize our transportation system with a new fleet of yellow buses and campus vehicles, ensuring timely and orderly student transportation.

    The bond will also address critical infrastructure needs, including repairing and upgrading heating and cooling systems, roofing, electrical, and plumbing. It will support foundational repairs, wall reinforcement, improved fencing, and new parking lots for staff and students.

    Importantly, these vital improvements come without an increase in your tax rate. A YES vote on the bond means a safer, more efficient, and technologically advanced learning environment for our children, benefiting current and future generations at no additional cost to you.

Contact Us

Have questions or what to join us in passing the bond? Notice a sign down or needing maintenance? Please fill out our form and we will be in touch asap!